He Adds Millions to Your Net Worth by Solving a Single Problem | Pete Kelly

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Pete Kelly is the CEO of Apartment Life, which helps multifamily landlords slash their largest expense: vacancy. 

Pete’s organization works with multifamily building owners to place coordinators whose sole mission is to befriend, connect with, and assist residents in their day-to-day lives. The result? Tenants stay longer. And apartment building owners add an average of $200k to their NOI and millions to their net worth.

Pete also talks about: 
- Why loneliness is the biggest reason tenants don't renew their leases 
- How Apartment Life finds mission-driven team members 
- Why property managers love his service
- The average return on investment investors can expect
- How you can apply his tactics even if you don’t own multifamily
- Finding real estate deals in 2024
- His parenting advice and why he wishes he had a time machine

Connect with Pete and Apartment Life: 
Listen to the end, where Pete gives out his phone number

Connect with us!
Website: https://abetterlife.com/

Pete’s charitable cause (100% of ad revenue goes here):
- Apartment Life

Show Sponsor: 
The BetterLife Tribe, where we help you build wealth through real estate without losing your soul
He Adds Millions to Your Net Worth by Solving a Single Problem | Pete Kelly