#23: Nicole Arbour

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Nicole Arbour is a comedian, singer, and actress with millions of followers and billions of views generated. 

In this episode, Nicole shares her journey from NBA cheerleader to "clown school" and standup comedy career – and what she's learned about truth-telling, mental toughness, and defying censorship. 

She also shares how a car accident left her with severe nerve damage and related health challenges for years... and how she was finally able to recover only once she took full ownership over her medical regimen.

Nicole also speaks about:

-Why the best comedy comes down to speaking the truth
-Censorship and free speech
-How cheerleading taught her important life lessons about encouraging others, teamwork, and perseverance
-Her story about having a strange feeling and almost not going to a stand-up show, and then getting into a life-threatening car accident
-The negative effects of medication and her opposition to pharmaceutical companies
-Her struggle with feeling like a disappointment and wanting to commit suicide, but ultimately finding motivation to keep going after hearing "God's voice" telling her it's not time to give up
-Her course on how to become "pain-free" in 2023
-The importance of addressing physical pain through root-cause healing
-The culture of narcissism on social media and the dangers and challenges of being an "influencer"
-How she had no idea how to handle money until she met people who taught her about investing and the mindset of making money easily
-Balancing contentment and ambition and how she manages her time
-Why she "knows" aliens are real
-The importance of cutting out people who don't align with your values

Today's Sponsor: 

Podcast Pointman, the podcast consultancy that helped launch this show! Click the link above to take a free quiz, and Kevin (former Director of Podcasts at BiggerPockets) will send you a customized training within 48 hours.

Nicole’s charitable cause:

The CANUSA Games, whose philosophy is to “demonstrate the practicality of a community approach to International goodwill between the cities of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada and Flint, Michigan, U.S.A., through the vehicle of amateur athletics."

Books mentioned in this episode:

The Alchemist by Paolo Coehlo
The Bible

Connect with Nicole on socials:

#23: Nicole Arbour