#12: Dr. Brooke Weinstein

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Dr. Brooke Weinstein is an occupational therapist and world-renowned expert on sensory and emotional regulation. 

A "personal trainer for your brain," she provides step-by-step guidance on parenting, work/life/family balance, and dealing effectively with trauma, guilt, and shame.

Today you'll learn:
  • The life-changing benefits of learning how to regulate your nervous system
  • The 4 "sensory profiles" that affect the way we navigate life
  • How to understand your own sensory profile (and what Brandon's is)
  • Practical tips for slowing down and staying present
  • How to "put your own oxygen mask on first" as a spouse and parent
  • How to support a loved one who has depression or anxiety
  • Dealing with picky eaters: Brooke's surprisingly simple solution
  • How to help your kids work through tantrums
  • What the evidence says about screen time for kids
  • Brooke's personal experience with grief and healing

Brooke's charitable cause:

Our House, a foundation supporting people who are grieving the loss of a loved one

Connect with Brooke: 
#12: Dr. Brooke Weinstein